Wednesday, September 12, 2012

ABT City Center (and Bard) Casting - thoughts?

So the bulk of the American Ballet Theatre fall season casting for City Center just went up online.  Thoughts? Gripes? Cheers?  

Here it is:

The Moor's Pavane
Gomes/Stearns/Part/Kent - 10/17, 10/20 eve
Zhurbin/Forster/Messmer/Reyes - 10/19 mat

New Ratmansky
Semionova/Gomes - 10/18, 10/20 mat
Part/Bolle - 10/19 eve, 10/20 eve

The Leaves Are Fading (full)
Seo/Bolle - 10/18
Kent/Gomes - 10/19 mat

The Leaves Are Fading (pas de deux)
Reyes/Stearns - 10/19 eve

Cruel World pas de deux
Kent/Gomes - 10/16 gala

Stars and Stripes pas de deux
Lane/Simkin - 10/16 gala, 10/19 eve (we KNEW that was coming, right?) 

Reyes/Radetsky/Matthews/Boyd - 10/16 gala, 10/20 mat
Butler/Salstein/Zhurbin/Post - 10/18 (yay! Marian Butler is BACK! She first stole my heart in this very role.)

Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
Company  - 10/16 gala, 10/17, 10/19 eve, 10/20 mat

In the Upper Room 
Company  - 10/17, 10/19 mat, 10/19 eve, 10/20 eve
(*though I would bet like last year Radetsky and Stearns alternately will lead the stomper men, no?  

UPDATE 9/27: It looks like Daniil Simkin and Sarah Lane are doing the lead bombers in one cast, so the question becomes: will Herman Cornejo be dancing the other cast? And with whom, since last year he and Sarah Lane were phenomenal together??

Also I heard from a reliable source that the Nicole Graniero/Skylar Brandt bomber team will be dancing first cast this season - and are determined to be even more perfect than last year.  That's going to be some sight to behold!)

(I wish they'd take the time to post the ITUR and DTMOWTE casting as well, but they never post those larger group numbers beforehand, sigh.)

**Herman Cornejo is missing completely from the casting posted, so I'm hoping it's just because he's leading in DTMOWTE and ITUR.  Soloists Stella Abrera, Alex Hammoudi, Isabella Boylston, Kristi Boone and Yuriko Kajiya are also annoyingly missing entirely from the listed lead roles.  New soloist James Whiteside has both DTMOWTE and ITUR listed in his rep experience so I wonder if we'll see him for the first time in both of those ballets?

Bard casting went up as well, for those interested - same link as above.

So - what do YOU think???

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